Common email abbreviations

Email abbreviations save time. Many of the email abbreviations have made their way to text messaging and instant messaging. That makes sense because you are limited on the number of characters you can text at one time. Here are some lists of certain types of email abbreviations.

To Tell Your Status

  • ADBB - All Done Bye Bye
  • BBL - Be Back Later
  • BBIAF - Be Back in a Few
  • BBIAB - Be Back in a Bit
  • BCNU - Be Seein' You
  • BFN - Bye For Now
  • BRB - Be Right Back
  • CUL8R - See You Later
  • L8R - Later
  • LTNS - Long Time No See
  • TAFN - That's All For Now
  • TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
  • TTYL - Talk To You Later
  • WB - Welcome Back

To Show Your Feelings

  • ^5 - High Five!
  • AAS - Alive And Smiling
  • BEG - Big Evil Grin
  • BG - Big Grin
  • GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
  • HHO 1/2 K - Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding
  • HTH - Hope This(That) Helps
  • JK - Just Kidding
  • LOL - Laughing Out Loud
  • MHOTY - My Hat's Off To You
  • MTFBWU - May The Force Be With You
  • ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
  • RUOK - Are you Okay?
  • T+ - Think Positive
  • TIA - Thanks In Advance
  • WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
  • WTG - Way To Go!

General Email Abbreviations

  • 2nite - Tonight
  • 411 - Information
  • 4ever - Forever
  • ASAP - As soon as possible
  • AWHFY - Are We Having Fun Yet?
  • AYPI - And Your Point Is?
  • B4 - Before
  • DUR? - Do You Remember?
  • J4F - Just For Fun
  • KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid
  • NFC - No Further Comment
  • NRN - No Reply Necessary
  • NTM - Not To Mention
  • OBTW - Oh, By The Way
  • P&C - Private and Confidential
  • P-ZA - Pizza
  • QL - Quit Laughing!
  • RTM - Read The Manual
  • SITD - Still In The Dark
  • WFM - Works For Me
  • YYSSW - Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever
  • ZZZ - Sleeping, Bored, Tired


When people communicate face to face, they rely on facial expressions to enhance the meaning of what the other person is saying. Also, when a person talks, the tone of voice can have a lot to do with the meaning of the words. Therefore, when you email someone, it is hard to get your meaning across with just words.  Then came the birth of emoticons: combinations of keystrokes that make a picture that represents an emotion.
  • :) or :-) - smiley face
  • O:-) - angelic smile
  • 8-) - big-eyed smile
  • :-X - big kiss
  • ;-( - crying face
  • :-> - grinning
  • :-| - indifference
  • :-)) - laughing
  • :-(  - sad face
  • :-D   -  shock or surprise
  • :-&  -  tongue tied
  • :-[    -  vampire smiley
  • :-{}  -  wearing lipstick
  • ;-)    -  winking
  • :-O   -  yelling

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