Tasks 1 (writing business letters, emails)

 Lesson 1
Task 1. Match the parts of the letter with their names

Robert Stivenson
Baisy Clifford Inc      
3400 Chelsey Road
Houston, TX 78451

main paragraph
Faithfully yours, 

Export-Import Manager

closing salutation
We have seen your advertisement in the Business Weekly Journal, and we shall appreciate it if you send us more detailed description of your cameras. We would also like to know the discounts that you provide. 

sender’s address
Dear Sirs:

receiver’s address
We are looking forward to hearing your reply. 

introductory paragraph
Stenley Brothers Inc
6539, 71th Street           
Los Angeles, LA 84733

Our company specializes in distributing cameras in Italy. For your information we may add that our company was established five years ago. If your goods meet our requirements, and we receive a favourable offer, we will be able to represent your cameras in Eatsern Europe. 

closing paragraph
15 March 2015

Signature (sender’s information)

Task 2.  Compose the letter below placing its parts in the proper order

Daniel Hatchette
Chemistry Department 

We write to inform you that we developed a new device at our University (Loughborough) that can identify tiny amounts of explosive particles – invisible to the naked eye. It could provide the solution to better protecting the travelling public from acts of terrorism.
 We would be grateful to receive a prompt reply.

Created by Professor John Tyrer from the University’s Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, along with colleagues from the Department of Chemistry, the device is currently undergoing field trials at a number of undisclosed locations across the country.

Dear Dr Smith,

If you think our work is worth being spoken about, we would like to ask you to give us a chance to present it. We would appreciate your attention to our research.

In the recent issue of Chemical Review we have found information on the scientific conference New Discoveries in Science to be held in Swansea. We are looking forward to reporting our new discovery and discussing it with the scientific public.

13 May 2014   

Chemistry Department
Loughborough University
Epinal Way, Loughborough
Leicestershire LE11 3TU
Telephone: +44 (0)1509 223 522

Swansea University
Singleton Park

Task 3. Look at the four addresses. They are mixed up. Write them correctly

a) Mr – Hampshire – V Dawson – The Larches -25 -  Gosport – PO5 6BL – England – Honister Avenue

b) Sales Director - #511 – Jack Hyam – USA – New York – House of Hyam Inc. – Mr – 17211 – Free street – N.Y.

c) Muller – Pittsburg – 22 – G. – The Samson Silks – Mr – 15217 – Street – Pennsylvania – Main – USA

d) Manchester – 52 – Transair – Chief Accountant – Alice – plc – M15 7BJ – Dillside – clerk – Ms - Cornwill

Lesson 2

Task 1. Write the following headings in the correct spaces on the form
Business address    Company    Date    First name
Job title    City name    Postcode
Signature    Surname    Street name    Telephone number
1.        McCornwell ______________
2.        Elizabeth _________________
3.        Sales representative __________________
4.        65 Kinkladze way, London ________________
5.        Great Eastern Associates ________________
6.        NW6 &TL __________________
7.        لرṶڞ ________________
8.        Cairo _______________
9.        King James Str _________________
10.        14/05/2009 ___________________
11.        00 44 020 7965 4200

Task 2. Choose the English phrase corresponding to the following English one:
1.    В ответ на Ваше письмо от 13 января мы хотим Вас ознакомить
a) We thank you for your letter of 13 January and wish to inform you…
b) Answering your letter of 13 January and want to inform you…
c) In reply to your letter of 13 January, we wish to inform you…
2.    Ссылаясь на наш телефонный разговор на прошлой неделе
a) In reply to our telephone dialogue last week
b) Further to our telephone conversation last week
c) Thank you for our telephone conversation last week
3.    Прилагаем к письму наш последний каталог
a) We are pleased to offer you our up-to-date catalogue
b) We guarantee to send you our up-to-date catalogue
c) We are enclosing you our up-to-date catalogue
4.    Рады сообщить Вам условия публикации научной статьи
a) We are pleased to inform you the publication terms
b) We are glad to receive your prompt reply
c) We are thankful for your sending us you the publication terms
5.    С нетерпением ждём Вашего ответа
a) We will expect your immediate answer
b) We look forward to your prompt reply
c) We will wait for you quick answer
6.    Пишу Вам, чтобы пожаловаться на некачественное обслуживание
a) I am writing to order a product
b) I am writing to enquire service of…
c) I am writing to complain about poor service
7.    С уважением
a) Yours sincerely
b) Yours
c) Best wishes
8.    По всем вопросам обращайтесь ко мне в любое время
a) If you have any questions, feel free to contact me any time
b) If you have any questions, ask me any time
c) In case of questions, call me any time

WRITING practice
                                                               Letter of enquiry
Dear Sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s Times, would you please send me full details, prices and samples of your promotional gifts.
I would gratefully appreciate your answer.
Yours faithfully,
S. Bowen
Marketing Manager
Language focus to be remembered:
1.    Replying to an advertisement (letter, enquiry)
•    With reference to your advertisement in (letter of)

2.    Enquiry action (information)
•    We are interested in buying your product (attending the exhibition, opening a branch office, arranging a seminar, exporting equipment)
•    and would be pleased to receive details (your suggestions, terms, price-list, invitations for our representatives)

•    Would (could) you send us a catalogue (price-list, etc)

 Translate a letter of enquiry into English
Уважаемые господа!
В ответ на Ваше письмо от 12 декабря, прошу Вас выслать мне последний каталог и информацию о скидках, которые Вы можете предоставить.
Жду скорого ответа..
С уважением,

                                                                 Replying to enquiry
Dear Mr. Bowen,
Thank you for your letter of 10 May enquiring about our promotional gifts.
We are pleased to enclose our new brochure and price-list together with samples of our promotional gifts.
We look forward to receiving your first order.
Yours sincerely,
Mary Hardy
Sales Manager

Language focus to be remembered:
1.    Thanking for a letter (enquiry)
•    Thank you for your letter of…

•    We are pleased (glad, grateful) to enclose (send)…
•    We write to confirm (advise, inform you) ….

Translate a letter of enquiry into English
Уважаемые господа!
Мы благодарны Вам за письмо от 1 июня и за приложенный к нему каталог, прайс-лист и пробники. Мы протестировали их и сообщаем Вам, что удовлетворены их качеством.
Поэтому, мы прилагаем бланк заказа и ждём от Вас счёт-проформу (proforma invoice).
Мы рассчитываем на срочный ответ.
С уважением,
Хью Джонс
Начальник отдела маркетинга

 Lesson 3

Exercise 1. Listen to the advertisement for the BrainBoost course.
What does the course promise to do? _________________________________
What does the ‘special package’ include? __________________________________
How much does it cost? __________________________________

Phillip bought the BrainBoost course, but is unhappy with it and called the company to complain. Read some of the things he says to Mr Martin, managing director of BrainBoost:

·      You told me I’d get it in forty-eight hours, but actually it took nearly three weeks.
·      Your ad said the exercises only take ten min a day, but I’ve worked out they take more like two hours a day.
·      I just can’t understand how you can find these boring exercises enjoyable!

Phillip was asked to put his complaint in writing. Study his letter of complaint and write your own letter (looking at the advertisement below):
12 Priory Terrace
Bristol BS12 ORJ
Mr David Martin
Managing director                                                                           8 January 2009
Brain Boost
25 Leadenhall Street
London L13 EC

Dear Mr Martin,

Following our telephone conversation yesterday, I am writing to complain about the ‘BrainBoost special package’ which I purchased from your company over the Internet six weeks ago.

I am dissatisfied with the product and service that I have received for number of reasons. Firstly, having paid €5.95 postage and packing I was told that I would receive the course within forty-eight hours whereas in fact it took almost three weeks to arrive.

Your advertisement promised that the necessary exercises would be enjoyable and take only ten minutes a day to complete. However, I have calculated that to complete the exercises suggested, it would take closer to two hours a day. Furthermore, I totally can not understand how you can describe these tedious exercises as enjoyable.

Finally, I have discovered that the vitamins and CDs which you describe as ‘unique’ can be purchased in my local supermarket for half the price that you charge.

I think your course has been a total waste of both my time and money, and demand a complete refund of everything that I have paid, including postage and packing.

Yours sincerely,

         Phillip Mortimer 

Email is one of the most commonly-used forms of communication in the international business world. One of advantages of emails is that they are quick and direct. We send an email for a particular purpose and we expect a fast response or immediate action. For emails – whether formal or informal – to be most effective, it is a good idea to give them a clear, logical structure.
The email below shows where the following different components appear
  1. Name of a sender
  2. Name of a recipient
  3. * Name of a person (people) who will also receive the email though it is not addressed directly to them
  4. * Name of a person (people) who will receive a copy without other people knowing
  5. date (and time)
  6. Subject of the email
  7. *Attachment (= enclosed materials)
  8. Salutation
  9. Body of the email
  10. Closing
  11. Sender’s name and job title

Subject: Re:
Pierre Bernard, Sales Manager
Jack Wood, Sally Maryfield, Jeffrey Potter, Andrea WolfAlan
Charles Baker, Senior Accountant
15 November 2011   14:54
Congratulations to the Sales Team!
8 Hi Team
9 I’m sure you will all agree that the annual Sales meeting was a great success. This was clearly due to the excellent organization involved and I thank you all for hard work. As you know, we are still waiting for the final figures from some of our regional sales reps but it looks very likely that we will exceed our targets in every area. So, well done.
To show her appreciation, Ms Belmondo has instructed the Accounts Department to award you all an extra 5 % bonus.
Keep up the good work!
10 Best wishes
    11 Pierre

Exercise 1. There can be a big difference between the styles used for writing emails and for writing business letters. Often – but not always – emails are less formal. Complete the table with the expressions from the box:
1.      Dear Mr Smith
2.      Just a note to say
3.      We regret to inform you (2)
4.      I would like to inform you of (2)
5.      We apologize for …
6.      Hey John
7.      Let me know if you need more info
8.      Best regards (wishes)
9.      All the best
10.  I look forward to your reply (2)
11.     I am writing to …(2)
12.     Dear John
13.     I’m afraid…
14.     We are pleased to inform you (2)
15.     Sorry for the ….
16.     Please find enclosed…
17.     Feel free to get in touch
18.     Yours sincerely
19.     See you
20.     Hope to hear from you soon
21.     Hi Mary
22.     I’m happy to tell you
23.     Just a quick note to …
24.     I’m so sorry…
25.     Hello Pat
26.     I’ve attached (2)
27.     If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us
28.     Take care


Formal emails
Informal emails

Giving a reason




Bad news

Good news

In case of questions


Exercise 2. Look at the following excerpts from emails and write appropriate subject lines.
1 Subject: _____________
Just a quick note to see if you’ve heard from Production about the new schedule. We need the info for tomorrow’s meeting.
2 Subject: _____________________
Many thanks for your email. The handbook for the XL20 motor is now available online at www.hardysgardensupplies.com
3 Subject: ____________________
I have to change our meeting to 3 pm instead of 12/00 Sorry!

4 Subject: ____________________
Could you send me those staff guidelines asap? Our dept hasn’t seen them yet. Thx.

5 Subject: ______________________
I am writing to confirm your order of 1000 coffee mugs with logo (see attached), colour 32 c.
Your order no. is 66193 F/2. Please quote this number in all future correspondence.

Lesson 4

Ex. 1 Match the emoticons to the correct meaning:
1 :-)    2 :-(     3 ;-)    4 :- >    5 O:-)    6 :-O    7 :-|

a.          I’m angry or shocked (shouting face)
b.         I’ve just made a sweet remark (face like an angel)
c.          I’m happy (smiley face)
d.         I’m unhappy (sad face)
e.          No comment (neutral face)
f.          I’ve made a joke or said something funny (one eye closed)
g.         Sarcastic comment – more powerful than ;-)

Now read the extracts below and add the appropriate emoticon. (More than one answer is possible).
  1. Have a nice weekend!
  2. You’re great! Thanks so much for helping. What would I do without you?
  3. Have you heard Paula’s leaving the company & moving to the competition?
  4. My computer crashed yesterday & I lost all my data!
  5. I don’t believe you’re finally going on holiday. In fact, I didn’t think you even knew what a ‘holiday’ was!
  6. You’re going to the conference with Steve? Do you know what he’s like?
  7. Sorry, I can’t talk about that! Top secret!

Ex. 2 Match the verbs used in formal emails with the less formal
to help
to get
to need
to be sorry (ˣ2)
to put off
to tell
to ask
to get in touch
to answer

1.      to apologize ______________
2.      to assist _____________
3.      to contact ________________
4.      to inform _______________
5.      to receive ______________
6.      to reply ________________
7.      to regret ______________
8.      to postpone _____________
9.      to enquire _____________
10.  to require __________________

Ex. 3 Rewrite the formal email into informal email and vice versa.

Formal email
Informal email
1. Dear Mr Braitwaite
I’m writing to enquire about the monitors you informed us of last month (April). Please could you send us a brochure and price list?
We would also appreciate a visit from your rep in order to get more information about the products. Could you ask one of them to contact us please?
I look forward to your reply
Yours sincerely
Euan Davis

2. Dear Carol
Thank you for your letter of October 13. Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend your workshop in Stockholm. Could you please send me some information on future workshops planned ...
Best regards
David Burns

3. Hi
Thanks for your email received last night. Sorry for the delay in replying.
This email is to confirm we have reserved five single rooms for Friday October 14 and 15.
See you in Venice.
Take care
Danielle Torri

4. Just a quick note to confirm our appointment on May 11. My flight gets in about 11 a.m.. Any chance
somebody could pick me up at the airport? I attach a file that I promised to send.
See you next week.
Michelle Debois

Ex. 4 Find and correct 15 mistakes in the business letter:

February 21th

Dear Alan Green

Thanks you for your letter from February 18 and for your interest in our products.
I am sorry to hear that you won’t be able to attend our presentation on March but I hope we can to arrange a later date. We’re planning another presentation for April 11. I attach a copy of our latest catalogue & prize list.
Contact me again if you need any more informations.
I look forward to hear from you.

Your faithfully
Paul Kominsky

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